Doshi FCSA (Fine Clothes Shoes and Accessories) offers vegan leather handbags, briefcases, backpacks, belts and accessories. The best thing that can be said about Doshi Bags is that they stand the test of time.
When you get a Doshi bag it’s quite clear that each bag is made using construction methods that are meant to hold up to frequent use. Besides that, it’s also clear that eco-friendliness and sustainability are important as each bag is made using non-leather materials such as Tyvek and Microfiber PU leather, the only true vegan leather. Hence Doshi bags are cruelty free and PETA approved. Doshi is also expressly committed to using only factories that purchase recycled base material and minimize the use of chemicals and solvents. So rest assured that a Doshi bag is an eco-conscious bag.
Doshi bags come in a variety of styles and there is a Doshi bag for nearly every lifestyle. They have luxury, eco-minimalist, activist style bags and more. They also have bags for both men and women.
I am especially fond of Doshi’s Debut Portrait Tote, which is part of their ‘Eco’ line. It’s made from Tyvek, a vegan leather alternative made from recyclable plastic. It comes in 4 colors, pink being my favorite option and it’s super lightweight. Best of all I like the price. Doshi bags are very affordable. So you get the best of both worlds, eco-fashion and affordability. I also love the Doshi Knapsack Backpack 2. It’s definitely a teen favorite, perfect for your highshcool teen who wants a more fashionable, standout backpack for school.
I have only one pet peeve about Doshi bags, which is that I’d prefer a wider array of styles. Doshi isn’t the bag I’d reach for if I was looking for a luxury bag or a minimalist, chic, fab vibe. It’s more the practical, everyday bag that’s not relying too heavily on style.
So if that suits your taste than you’ll love Doshi bags. Also, men will probably love this line as well. Overall, Doshi bags are awesome in terms of durability. They are made to last. Doshi bags will absolutely stand the test of time.
Have you tried a Doshi bag? Which style do you have?