Rocking a sporty lifestyle vibe, Bleed Clothing is a vegan produced, sustainable brand that has recently been working it's way into eco conscious consumerism.
Bamboo Toothbrushes Bring Sustainability To Dental Hygiene
Bamboo toothbrushes bring sustainability to dental hygiene. The popularity of bamboo toothbrushes is exploding. Many consumers feel that it is just as effective as plastic or electric.
Reusable Baby Food Pouches
For the eco conscious parent who loves the healthful benefits and convenience of baby food pouches there is good news. There is a zero waste solution to baby food pouches. You can now get reusable baby food pouches.
Blue Light Blocking Glasses
The matter of whether or not blue light blocking glasses are effective in remedying eye strain is still being debated. Those in favor purport that as a result of damage to the eyes caused by blue light coming from digital screens, blue light blocking glasses effectively reduce eye strain.
CBD Drops For Mood Enhancement
CBD drops can be an effective self care hack, particularly for mood enhancement. If you suffer from depression, anxiety or cognitive impairment CBD drops may be the perfect solution.
Clove + Hallow Cosmetics
CLOVE + HALLOW is an award-winning vegan cosmetics line formulated by professional makeup artist Sarah Biggers-Stewart. What distinguishes this brand from the thousands of other vegan cosmetics lines is that CLOVE + HALLOW offers the Clean15™ Guarantee.