• Vegan Favs

    The Live Soda That Heals – Kombucha

    Kombucha has been around for thousands of years. Kombucha is a sweet, fizzy drink made of yeast, sugar, and fermented tea. As a fermented tea it not only has all the benefits of tea, but it is also rich in beneficial probiotics. Kombucha additionally contains antioxidants and produces acetic acid that is able to kill many potentially harmful microorganisms.

  • Vegan Favs

    The Best Vegan Alfredo Sauce

    If you're newly vegan than you no doubt still recall the deliciously, savory, cheesy bliss of alfredo sauce. Alfredo sauce is one of those guilty obsessions that you cringe at the thought of giving up. Your relationship with it is likely near inseparable.

  • Vegan Favs

    Vegan Friendly Travel Destination – Jamaica

    Jamaica is not just a lush topography of mountains, rainforests and reef-lined beaches. It's famed as the birthplace of reggae music and the infamous singer, Bob Marley. Yet, Jamaica is even more than that. Jamaica could easily be a vegan paradise. It's tropical climate offers a robust array of fruits and vegetables. The result, an abundance of well-seasoned, flavorful cuisine and nutrient-dense natural juices.

  • Vegan Favs

    Kesko – Ethical Grocer Of The Week

    Kesko Corporation is a Finnish retailing conglomerate with its head office in Ruskeasuo, Helsinki. With more than 1,800 stores in eight countries, Kesko is the most sustainable grocery trade company in the world. In fact, Kesko has been included on the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World list for 16 consecutive years!

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