Self Care

Giving Yourself A Nutritional Boost With A Day Of Raw Vegan Foods

While being a full on raw vegan may not be for all of us, there’s nothing wrong with giving yourself a nutritional boost with a day or two or three of raw vegan foods. The nutritional value of a raw vegan diet is no secret. Those who have done so have long sung its praises.

Some adopt a raw vegan diet as a way of life, while others do so for a short term fix. A raw vegan diet is perfect for weight loss, improved heart health and a lower risk of diabetes. So using a raw vegan diet to the ends of achieving those goals is just as beneficial.

A raw food diet dictates that foods should be eaten completely raw or heated at temperatures below 104–118°F (40–48°C). What this does is preserve the foods nutrients and minerals. Cooking and other food preparation techniques kill the nutrients and minerals. So to get the full nutritional benefits it’s best to eat food in its most natural state, hence the raw vegan food diet.

Some well known benefits of the raw food diet include the following:

  • Improved heart health
  • Reduced risk of diabetes
  • Aid in weight loss
  • Improve digestion

Now while a raw vegan food diet is an excellent way to enhance your health and ward off illness it must be done properly. Like any diet, a raw vegan food diet requires a significant amount of planning to ensure that you are getting the proper nutrients. So be sure to take into consideration what your nutritional needs are at your current stage of life.

In fact, according to one study published in The Journal Of Nutrition, 100% of participants following a raw vegan diet consumed less than the recommended 2.4 mcg of vitamin B12 per day. Also, more than a third of the participants were vitamin B12 deficient at the time of the study.

Meanwhile, another study published by found that raw vegan diets appear to be low in calcium and vitamin D. This is why variety is key. Maintaining a raw vegan diet that includes a wide variety of fruits and vegetables will make all the difference.

Will you be giving yourself a nutritional boost with a day of raw vegan foods? If so, comment below on how it goes for you?

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I am passionate about intentional living, self care and attracting prosperity. As such my content is keenly focused on delivering all the tools necessary to succeed in doing just that. Conscious Minimalist Living, Simple Vegan Lifestyle, Morning Meditation, and Affirmations all to manifest the life of your dreams. This blog is an infinitely healthy balance of inspiration and mindfulness. Welcome! I wish all of you beautiful, warm, blissful spirits an infinite abundance of good feelings, prosperous lives and blissful minds! Enjoy! Sunflower Smooches!! Blissfully Mindful

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