• Memoirs

    Rain Showered Me With Money…

    so where i am on the planet it’s raining. in fact, its been raining for several days now. i guess the earth needs to cleanse itself. perhaps today is just one of those days or maybe spirit is speaking, but of all the rainy days, today when the sky cried so did i.

  • Memoirs

    Another Day Of Henna -Moods And Another Revelation

    i like to use my henna application days for spiritual reflection, self enlightenment, etc. tho it was this application that i had planned to document and share with you on my youtube vlog. but again, i just wasn’t in the mood. if you haven’t noticed my mood has been getting in the way of quite a bit this week and it was last nite during my henna ritual that i realized it.

  • Memoirs

    Tehuti’s Law Of Rhythm

    how the spring are ya?!?!!!! well, i’ve gotta tell you that the Law of Rhythm has been kicking my ass!!! LOL! after lots of centering exercises, tons of meditation, yoga, being my own life coach (LOL) and having a heaping spoonful of gratitude and acceptance of this beautiful life school i’m finally in a state of mind to type this blog and share this experience with you.

  • Memoirs

    Going Within To Break Thru

    man oh man have i been traversing the waves of life up and down, in and out, high and low yet all the while flowing and riding the waves. i now feel myself approaching land soon and am now preparing to build a new foundation once i get there. what i’ve realized is that at each level, during each transformation there are cycles within the grand cycle that we call life.

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