White Oblivion


White Oblivion is a thought-provoking, introspective sci-fi drama that challenges the depths of our humanity, explores the limits of our savagery and awakens the soul within. It forces us to examine issues such as police brutality, the oppression of blacks and the issues that keep us divided.


What would you do if you woke up to find that the world turned white?

In White Oblivion Netty wakes up to a world very different from the one that she has known. She looks in the mirror and has no idea who is staring back at her. All that she knew as familiar now only leads to questions. She starts to wonder what is truly real. Are we truly who we think we are? Has the truth about us been purposefully hidden?

As answers transform into power in a world that is changing before their very eyes Netty and the others must decide between using this power to create their own utopia or come into their own Being. Difficult decisions must be made when predators becomes prey and prey evolve into an unstoppable parasitic force that is the key to life as we know it. What would you do?

White Oblivion is a thought-provoking, introspective sci-fi drama that challenges the depths of our humanity, explores the limits of our savagery and awakens the soul within. It forces us to examine issues such as police brutality, the oppression of blacks and the issues that keep us divided.


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