This week’s zero waste trend is ways to reduce energy waste by choosing renewable options. By now, you’ve probably heard on several occasions and from several sources that there’s a direct connection between your energy use and the environment.
If you’re among the eco conscious you’ve likely been prompted to even take steps to reduce your energy intake. If so, you are well on your way to being part of a larger community of folks who are effectively reducing the amount of toxic fumes released by power plants, conserving the earth’s natural resources and protecting ecosystems from destruction. If you have taken part of this grand gesture we wish to extend a huge thank you to you!
We’re happy to report that following your lead are several industries who are now opting to reduce energy waste by pursuing renewable energy sources. This is truly something to celebrate!

According to BioEnergy Consult, U.S. manufacturers account for 30 percent of the nation’s energy consumption! That makes the U.S. the leader in energy waste. Hence, it’s only right that they begin to take steps toward reducing fossil fuel consumption and energy waste.
However, despite this good news, we have a long way to go. There aren’t enough of us working towards this goal. Disturbingly, Americans spend $350 billion on energy costs each year. Of that, three-quarters of that energy goes to waste. This is why it’s more important than ever to switch to renewable energy sources and better energy consumption habits.

Here are some trending renewable energy sources and energy reducing tips to consider, especially during quarantine. They can both reduce energy waste as well as save you money.
- Energy Efficient Appliances: there are hundreds of energy efficient washing machines, refrigerators, water heaters, air conditioners, etc. that provide cost effective ways to reduce your overall energy consumption. An example is the manufacturer, Sun Frost. Sun Frost refrigerators use 36 percent less energy than the federal National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA) standard.
- Weatherize Your Home: by insulating your roof, ceiling, windows and doors you lower the cost of your energy bill and keep the temperature in your home super comfy year-round.
- Water-Efficient Showerhead: an awesome water-saving device.
- Green Power: uses power generated from clean renewable sources such as the sun, wind, water and waste power.
- Eliminate Vampire Power: works by unplugging all idle electronics, meaning everything you’re not using such as battery chargers, kitchen appliances, lamps, computers, televisions, game consoles, etc. I did this throughout my home and literally reduced my energy bill by half!
- Use Smart Power Strips: this reduces your plug load. The benefits are that when you switch it off you turn off several devices at once. Additionally, you prevent phantom energy loss.
- Install Lighting Controls: use motion-sensored lights or manually turn off lights. If you’re not occupying a room the lights don’t need to be on.
- Manually Run Irrigation System: stop running your outdoor sprinklers on a set schedule. Instead, run it manually to avoid wasting water during occasions where nature takes care of it (e.g. rain).
- Use Solar Powered Outdoor Lights: they recharge themselves through solar power, not your wallet.
- Turn Down Water Heater Temperature: the United States Department of Energy recommends setting a residential water heater to 120°F to reduce energy usage and to help prevent scalding.
- Modify Laundry & Dish Washer Habits: wash only full loads, wash in cold water, clean dryer lint screen, use dryer balls, air-dry when possible
- Install A Programmable Thermostat: benefits you by lowering your bill and efficiently heating and cooling your home.
- Take Shorter, Cooler Showers: Cutting your daily shower by four minutes will save 3,650 gallons a year.
- Use Microwave Or Toaster Oven: instead of running the oven to warm leftovers in a more energy efficient way. Also, to boil water use an electric kettle vs the microwave.
- Make The Most Of Sunlight: where possible use the sun to both brighten and heat your home.
Are you already in the habit of doing most of the things on this list? If not, What are you doing to reduce energy waste?