Let's dive into some ways to maintain by looking at some healthy habits that changed my life.
Last Nite I Be-Came Love
during last nite’s meditation i had the most profound, mystical, life-altering insperience. i’ll describe it in a word and call it love.
Still In Om Space
still in om space. each day this mantra brings me to a different place. today love, love, love is in my air. so is being a student, surrendering and being humble. i feel like a student of om just eager to learn, seeking out all that i can find on this phenomenal mantra, its power and its gifts.
Its Sunny And I’m In An Om Kinda Mood
so yesterday i was ? and today i’m ? and not even about anything in particular. actually, i should take that back because i think that nothing is actually everything and i’ve come to this conclusion just as a result of doing my om mantra.