Like everything problems are enery. Specifically, problems that arise in life are energy that needs to be released. Essentially, it’s resistance. You can feel that resistance all throughout your body.
In fact, your body is what your mind/consciousness uses to inform you that you have energy blocks. You hold those blockages in your muscles, which you’ll know because those areas will be full of resistance, tightness and at times pain. If you do a good stretch you’ll feel it. Try touching your toes, doing the split or any form of backbend.

Energy naturally ebbs and flows. Moreover, since your thoughts are energy, when they don’t ebb and flow unobstructed they become stagnant. This plays out in the manner of fearful thoughts about what’s to come or rehearsed thoughts about past incidents. These thoughts will play over and over and over again in your mind.
Yet the higher mind will not entertain them so it transfers them to the body where it resides as tightness in the joints and muscles, illness and even disease. It is resistance at its best.

Now how to resolve this is unbelievably straight-forward. Because problems are energy that needs to be released, the way to remedy toxic thoughts is to release their energy. Simply start with releasing them from the body. Stretch and breathe into the areas where you are holding onto those problems. Over time those areas of resistance will loosen.
Then, almost effortlessly you’ll notice that you think of those things less and less until you don’t think of them at all. Finally, like all things the problems will dissipate into the ethers. It was only energy to begin with and energy, like all things is subject to the universal law of vibration. This means that energy is always on the move. There is no such thing as stagnant energy.
However, the physical body can become stagnant, specifically in the manner of frequency. The physical body is the manifestation of low frequency energy, which means it vibrates very slowly. So slowly, in fact, that it appears not to move. On the other hand, consciousness/mind is high frequency energy that is moving faster than our physcial senses can detect.
Thus, when you tackle problems starting at the lowest frequency point and work towards higher frequency levels you eventually solve the problem. At this level you will come up with solutions and ultimately resolve the matters.
So start now in the body and begin to release that toxic, bottled up, resistance. Release it into ethers and live!!!
Do you have energy that needs to be released? Where in your body do you find you tend to hold this energy?