• Inspirations

    Live Past Your Mistakes

    Peace Lovey! Diving right into it.  This week I want you to live past your mistakes.  I mean it!  Don’t get stuck there.  I know that you know that so much life happens beyond mis-takes.  So I’m just reminding you because I don’t want you to miss out. Anyway let’s get into this.  Let’s break it down.  What even is a mis-take?   According to American Heritage dictionary a mistake is… Now that couldn’t sound more depressing.  I mean according to that definition if I perceive that mistakes are real than first of all I’m dumb, uttlerly muffed up and downright selfish!  I stand uder misses and my ability to conceptualize…

  • Inspirations

    Turn Failure Into Success

    While you know that failure isn't even a thing.  You also know that it's not even real.  Nothing more than a glich, a momentary misalignment of perception.  Failure is simply the lie that you tell yourself when you have granted the ego too many liberties.

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