• Memoirs

    Why Is Saying I Love You So Damn Hard

    i love you guys and gals!!!! wow that was easy! now why is it so hard to say it in more intimate settings??? these are probably the 3 most simplest, most meaningful words in the history of man yet the most difficult to say aloud. we think it, we dream about it, we write it in cards and letters, we enjoy hearing it in songs, seeing it in movies and reading about it in books, yet we just can’t get up the nerve to say it aloud half the time. why is this?

  • Memoirs

    Keep It Copacetic

    as many of us used to say in the black community, “you gotta keep it copacetic!” now to tell you the truth i never knew how to spell that word or what the true annunciation was until typing this post lol.

  • Memoirs

    What Is Energy

    he wiki definition of energy is that it is an indirectly observed quantity which comes in many forms such as kinetic energy, potential energy, radiant energy, and many others. however, it also cited the theoretical physicist, richard feynman, as stating, “… we have no knowledge what energy is. we do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs of a definite amount.”

  • Memoirs

    When Friends Start To Disappear

    friendship is the topic of today. so do you ever notice as you grow on your path that you sometimes lose some friends along the way? i certainly have noticed it lately. it seems like i just woke up one day to find that many of the friends who were once my aces, my besties, my right hands were no longer in the picture and what’s funny is that i hadn’t even noticed that it happened. it just sort of happened one day that i was in a new reality without them in it.

  • Memoirs

    Kids Light Up The World

    just had a quick thought vision about kids and wanted to document and share it. not only are they the absolute cutest most lovable, most huggable little things on planet, but they are pure light energy and i absolutely love them!

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