
When Friends Start To Disappear

Shwmae (hello in Welsh) Friends!!! friendship is the topic of today.  what does it mean when friends start to disappear?

so do you ever notice as you grow on your path that you sometimes lose some friends along the way?  i certainly have noticed it lately.  it seems like i just woke up one day to find that many of the friends who were once my aces, my besties, my right hands were no longer in the picture and what’s funny is that i hadn’t even noticed that it happened.  it just sort of happened one day that i was in a new reality without them in it. 

so i was sitting here processing that and what i saw was that it was actually me who disappeared.  i disappeared into another vibrational frequency or rather a new reality that i created for myself.  the good thing is that this is a good thing lol. 

growing and raising your vibrational frequency is a very good thing and more than that the treasure at the end of that rainbow is a renewed, richer, brighter, more powerful you.  there are times in our lives when we need specific friends to be there for very specific cycles of growth.  then there are other times in our lives when we need to purge the old to make way for the new. 

when we do this it takes us to a higher vibrational frequency, armed with more knowledge, wisdom and understanding of who we are.  with more clarity as to who we are we become better friends, better lovers, better spirits. 

so if you wake up one day and wonder where all your old friends went, just know that regardless of where they went you’re in a much better time-space reality as a result.  moreover, rather than observing it as a loss, realize it as growth in the knowledge that you’re that much more awesome now!

have you noticed some friends who you once held sacred have disappeared?  how has it impacted you?

sunflower smooches!!!

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I am passionate about intentional living, self care and attracting prosperity. As such my content is keenly focused on delivering all the tools necessary to succeed in doing just that. Conscious Minimalist Living, Simple Vegan Lifestyle, Morning Meditation, and Affirmations all to manifest the life of your dreams. This blog is an infinitely healthy balance of inspiration and mindfulness. Welcome! I wish all of you beautiful, warm, blissful spirits an infinite abundance of good feelings, prosperous lives and blissful minds! Enjoy! Sunflower Smooches!! Blissfully Mindful

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