so what do you do when life straight pimps you?!?!!! well you’re probably not gonna wanna bend over and take it unless you’re into that sort of thing LOL! no but really sometimes when i think of this life i think of a pimp.
Kids Light Up The World
just had a quick thought vision about kids and wanted to document and share it. not only are they the absolute cutest most lovable, most huggable little things on planet, but they are pure light energy and i absolutely love them!
Teen Moods – Flow With Them
so i was speaking to a parent the other day about their teen’s moods and to be honest with you i kinda chuckled inside because the more i listened, the more i heard them describe me LOL.
Love Is Truly The Only Thing That’s Real
i’m actually having a moment right now and kinda in my feelings and thought it’d be great to document this self-coaching process. so as i was sitting here having my moment i stopped, relaxed and scanned myself to see what i was feeling.
What To Do When Life Gets Hard
so i just had a convo with my mom about what to do and where to retreat when life is hard and i have to say that i hadn’t really thought about it until now. when life is hard for me i guess i tend to retreat within. i’m actually a bit of an introvert most of the time so when life is hard its most natural for me to retreat within. but where do i go when i go within? after all, there are many depths of me.
Are We Programmed To Fall In Love
i don’t know why, but i’m just feeling all lovey dovey right now! ? yet the funny thing is that i’m feeling this way alone. i know that second sentence may not be what you expected me to say, but gosh darn its where i’m at with it at the moment.