
Teen Moods – Flow With Them

Ha’u (hello in Hopi) Beautiful Rays of Sunshine!!! let’s chat about teen moods and how to flow with them…

so i was speaking to a parent the other day about their teen’s moods and to be honest with you i kinda chuckled inside because the more i listened, the more i heard them describe me LOL. 

much like teens my moods change like the wind which is one of the reasons why its so easy for me to relate.  the best way that i can describe teen moods is to compare them to ocean waves.  on a nice sunny day ocean waves are absolutely breath taking.  their sound is calming, the sight of them is hypnotic and being in their presence brings such a deep sense of tranquility. 

on the other hand, during a storm ocean waves can be torrential, scary and fill us with a sense of fight or flight.  for me, that’s what teen moods are like and the latter is often how we respond to them. 

i think the reason that its difficult for parents and other adults to deal with and process teen moods is because they are often fighting against the moods rather than flowing with them.  imagine that a teens mood is like the ocean waves during a storm. 

it is usually these moods that parents and other adults have the most difficult time dealing with in teens.  but think of it this way, if you attempt to go against those torrential waves nature will usually win.  you can’t win against nature and teen moods are a part of nature.  they’re the natural process of growing and expanding into this human form. 

when we are born into this physical body from a beautiful space of light energy the longer we’re here the more dense we become.  in fact, the teen years are probably the most difficult part of this transformation. 

the reason being is that they are struggling with letting go of the last big chunk of their light energy and now having to embrace this dense, often depressing physical existence.  we as adults know all too well that the stresses of this physical place that we call life on earth aren’t usually what any of us would describe as nirvana.

yet, we make it even more difficult for our teens to make this transformation by always fighting against the current.  in my experience, i’ve found that flowing with the current of the teen is a lot easier than fighting against it. 

when my son, who is now a young adult, was a teen i found those years to be most enjoyable.  the light energy that still flowed within him was a spectacular sight to see.  watching him begin to define himself as this physical being was both captivating and inspiring.  it made me remember when….

even today, i look at teens moods and i see opportunities for growth and expansion.  from my perspective and in my experience, when handled in a nurturing way those torrential teen moods end up transforming into the most beautiful, hypnotic, calm sea of bliss to ever be witnessed. 

so when i encounter those torrential mood waves i merely flow with their current, acknowledge their transformative process, and look forward to the beauty of what they will become in about 5 minutes cause that’s probably how long it will be before the mood changes back to calm LOL.

so i know that the moods of a teen can be hectic and often overwhelming, but nurturing them through those mood storms will more often than not deliver a more desirable outcome for both parties involved.  the shift from light to dark is a scary process for most of us because it is a journey into the unknown.

however, there is no need to fear the unknown.  just step into the dark, calmly settle into your sacred presence, go deeper within and cast your inner light to light the way.  know that teens are merely trying to learn to do this from you as adults so when they see you fighting in the darkness rather than illuminating it they begin to do the same.  thus, rather than battling with them join them in their journey through the darkness and be the light that helps light their path a little instead.  what you’ll discover is that the rewards will be opportunities of sunshine!

do you have a difficult time staying with the flow of teen moods?  what makes it so difficult to just flow with them? what is causing the resistance? 

sunflower smooches!

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I am passionate about intentional living, self care and attracting prosperity. As such my content is keenly focused on delivering all the tools necessary to succeed in doing just that. Conscious Minimalist Living, Simple Vegan Lifestyle, Morning Meditation, and Affirmations all to manifest the life of your dreams. This blog is an infinitely healthy balance of inspiration and mindfulness. Welcome! I wish all of you beautiful, warm, blissful spirits an infinite abundance of good feelings, prosperous lives and blissful minds! Enjoy! Sunflower Smooches!! Blissfully Mindful

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