i like to use my henna application days for spiritual reflection, self enlightenment, etc. tho it was this application that i had planned to document and share with you on my youtube vlog. but again, i just wasn’t in the mood. if you haven’t noticed my mood has been getting in the way of quite a bit this week and it was last nite during my henna ritual that i realized it.
Going Within To Break Thru
man oh man have i been traversing the waves of life up and down, in and out, high and low yet all the while flowing and riding the waves. i now feel myself approaching land soon and am now preparing to build a new foundation once i get there. what i’ve realized is that at each level, during each transformation there are cycles within the grand cycle that we call life.
Shadow Dance
some people shadow box in their spare time, but one of my favorite things to do is shadow dance! in fact, it’s one of the ways that i exercise. however, it’s not so much of a physical exercise for me as it is a mental one. i’ll explain….
I’ve Been Loving You Too Long
have i told you all that i love you? if not i do and i’m telling you now! i’m still feeling a very charged heart chakra these days so it seems that most of my spiritual work has been centered there. it’s funny cause the more loving me i do the more love i’m feeling for those around me, the more overstanding that i am, the more that i am able to honor the choices and paths of others and interestingly enough the less judged i feel.
Decode My Life
i used to be the type of yogi who thought that by dressing like a chapter outta the 70’s, eating seeds and berries, saying “peace my brotha, namaste” and maintaining an all day alpha state listening to mantras was the absolute coolest and the only way to stay tapped in to higher self! man i was doing the damn thing too! LMAO!!! and this is not to offend anyone who leads this path because if such is the case i honor the fact that you have found you in that. however, i’m strictly speaking of myself.
Standing In The Fire
thought i’d share a convo that i had with amirah in the mirror about fear. she brought to light the most profound thing. she basically enabled me to see that we all endure “scary” life circumstances, but not scary in the sense of a haunted house or seeing ghosts or anything. Scary in the sense that we all have base level fears that have more to do with our day-to-day mundane life dramas.