Vegans can commonly find several vegan options at Asian restaurants and P.F. Chang's is no different. P.F. Chang's China Bistro is an American-based, Asian-themed, casual dining restaurant chain founded in 1993 by Paul Fleming and Philip Chiang. They have 305 locations worldwide! So if you ever venture P.F. Chang's be sure to try some of their vegan options.
Vegan Banana Cream Pie Parfait
This Vegan Banana Cream Pie Parfait recipe from is a savory dessert on the light side and just in time for Spring. This is a wonderful...
Best Creamy Vegan Salad Dressings
Sometimes its the salad dressing that even inspires some to even go near some veggies. With that said, here are the best creamy vegan salad dressings...
Spicy Sweet Potato And Green Rice Burrito Bowl
This Spicy Sweet Potato and Green Rice Burrito Bowl recipe from is just the type of recipe that you need to get that beach body back.
The Best Vegan Chocolate Cake
The Best Vegan Chocolate Cake recipe by may very well be just that. This cake turned out so unbelievably rich, chocolatey and moist. Best of all, its a quick, easy, 1 bowl recipe.
Nick Cannon Opened Vegan Soul Food Eatery In Hollywood Hills
Soul food just came to Hollywood Hills and another celebrity has gotten on the bandwagon of plant based company owners. In a partnership with the acclaimed plant based chef, Chef Velvet, Nick Cannon just opened a vegan eatery called The VTree Hollywood.