Self Care

Waking Up Has Never Felt Better

peace lovies! waking up has never felt better!

so lately one of my favorite self care hacks is waking up a little earlier.  there is just something so rewarding about seizing the day.  it gives me a sense of liberation knowing that i’m not waking up earlier because i have to out of obligation to anyone.  i’m simply doing it for myself.

the best part is that i get to spend that extra time doing whatever it want.  it’s a priceless indulgence.  after all time is our greatest commodity.

waking up a little earlier somehow gives me a greater sense of gratitude as i am graced with the beautiful songs of the birds chirping.  i even get a little energy boost.  after a good night’s rest i feel revitalized and more focused.  my mind is clear and i am excited about creating something grand.  my productivity is enhanced.  i get to enjoy more quiet time, which ultimately improves the quality of the rest of my day. consequently, waking up has never felt better!

have you tried this self care hack?  what do you do with the extra time?  how has it enhanced your life?

sunflower smooches!

amirah (aka blissfully mindful)

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I am passionate about intentional living, self care and attracting prosperity. As such my content is keenly focused on delivering all the tools necessary to succeed in doing just that. Conscious Minimalist Living, Simple Vegan Lifestyle, Morning Meditation, and Affirmations all to manifest the life of your dreams. This blog is an infinitely healthy balance of inspiration and mindfulness. Welcome! I wish all of you beautiful, warm, blissful spirits an infinite abundance of good feelings, prosperous lives and blissful minds! Enjoy! Sunflower Smooches!! Blissfully Mindful

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