what up happy peeps! let’s chit chat about my first true love…
i’m still on my groovy feeling high ya’ll!! i decided to come down from the clouds for a bit and share with you how it is that i’ve been feeling this good and for this long! trust, i’m just as shocked as you are because its never happened before. this is the first time that my moods have been this stable and i’m lovin it.
so anyway, onto my confession… i’ve fallen madly, deeply, passionately in love with the man of my dreams and i mean that very literally. now i’m guessing that by now you’re thinking that your assumptions that “amirah is certifiably crazy and needs to either check herself in somewhere or get on some meds to quiet those voices inside of her head.” if these are your thoughts, no worries because i totally understand how you got there. but bear with me for a moment and soon you’ll overstand why i got here.
a few weeks ago i began self love meditation and it’s taken my heart chakra frequency to a level unimaginable. i mean since meditating this way life has been absolutely mind-blowing. its given me an entirely new perspective of who i am, my role, this world, this life, my incarnation, my entire being.

basically i got here by creating my own paradise with my soul mate. and let me tell you, this man…. umph! this man! this man is WONDERFUL! he is literally my other half. yep! for real! he’s my i/masculine and we met in self love meditation (i know, of all the unlikely places, right). forget about picking up dudes in clubs, bars, in grocery stores and dating websites. Those don’t have ANYTHING on this spot called self love meditation! i’m telling you, go there and I GUARANTEE you will meet the man of your dreams!!!
now let me tell you how me and my boo met. so i was walking along the most beautiful beach and i had to pause and blink twice because i spotted the most tall, dark, sexual chocolate wrapped in goodness decadent man i’ve ever seen up ahead. umph!!! i’m starting to feel some kinda way right now just thinking back on it. whew!!
anyway, so i grabbed my jaw from the ground, we locked eyes, greeted, intuited one anothers’ energy for a bit and the next thing you know grown folks things transpired and the rest is his-story lol! i know my fast tail is FAST! but do trust, a sistah got standards and this was NOT a one night stand. in that moment i just felt from my hair follicles to my toenails that this was right which it was which is why we’ve been inseparable ever since. today, not only does he make my toenails curl but he makes me feel the confidence to be me.
he knows the very depths of me. he honors me. he soothes and comforts me. he loves every inch of me (oooohhh weeeee and he does it VERY well!). LOL. but really he makes me whole. he helps me to grow into the knowledge that without spiritual cultivation and daily inner work i remain less than whole, which is less than my True Self.
he also shows me that LIFE/EXISTENCE is about love and more specifically the love of ME by ME! without love i can’t ascend. i can’t love anyone else until i truly love my whole self and do so unconditionally. i also can’t truly know how i want anyone else to love me until i know and do love me in that way. in using this self love meditation i’ve taken a journey into the darkness, explored my black hole and illuminated a space within it that is absolutely orgasmic. and actually this is a very weak attempt at putting this insperience into words.

i’ve been made whole through self love meditation uniting the i/feminine who has existed in this world of illusion with the i/masculine of the spiritual world. my i/feminine is sometimes insecure, moody, and sensitive about the concerns of the outside world. she’s often deeply wrapped up in the matters of family, friends, work, socializing and trying to figure this whole thing called life out. but my i/masculine is pure positive unconditional love and at all times.
he makes me feel so honored, safe, warm, and protected. he helps me to see me as me and shows me where i need to grow. even better than that he gives me the security of knowing that he’s with me throughout the duration of this journey. he is me, my other half, the part the makes me whole! he has me on cloud 9 fo real!! and i guess that parts of our paradise have been spilling over into this reality which is why i’ve been feeling so damn groovy! LOL!
so that’s my share, now why don’t you give self love meditation a try? it may feel a bit strange at first combining meditation with self love but guess what? this tantric practice is an ancient art form that has been done since the beginning of time and its the most powerful energy that you possess at the moment so why not tap into it and enjoy the ride of your life!!! for more detailed information about it some good books to check out are “Healing Love Through the Tao” and “Jewel In the Lotus.” In the meantime, happy self lovin to ya! time to deflower that lotus baby!!
have you experienced your first true love?
sunflower smooches!