Premium ice cream brand Ben and Jerry’s and streaming platform, Netflix partnered up and created the most scrumptious ice cream flavor. Netflix and Chilll’d non-dairy ice cream is nothing short of bliss. They have definitely outdone themselves with this one.
This Netflix and Chilll’d flavor was just released in early Spring and I can’t even begin to express my gratitude. What it is defies description. It comes in both dairy and non-dairy, however as a veganista of course I’m discussing the non-dairy offering. Made with an almond milk base accompanied by peanut butter, sweet and salty pretzel swirls, and Greyston fudge brownies this ice cream is pure, organic deliciousness.

I mean Netflix and Chill night will never be the same once you try this ice cream. It’s everything that you want in an ice cream. It’s creamy, savory chocolatey and delicious. It’s the perfect indulgent treat to accompany your favorite Netflix movie.
Netflix and Chill’d non-dairy ice cream is nothing short of bliss. So for your next Netflix night feel free to treat yourself to this extra special delight. You can conveniently find it in the frozen food isle at your local grocer. I’ve also seen it at Target. In fact, Target has a huge selection of Ben & Jerry’s non-dairy ice cream offerings and for a slightly more affordable price than most grocers.
Have you tried any of Ben & Jerry’s non-dairy ice cream offerings? What’s your favorite flavor?