Peace Lovey! While there are obviously more than 12 ideas for holistic morning routines the ones that we’ll discuss in this letter can easily be considered the most natural and introspective. They will encourage you to dive deeper into you and you alone. Per the usual I am wanting us to stay internally focused. I find that you build a stronger foundation if you do. This will benefit you in ways immeasurable. So let’s dive in! Since COVID many have expressed how empty life feels. Even more have complained of loneliness and feelings of isolation. Meanwhile, there are reports of there being an increase in depression and anxiety. These feelings…
Live Past Your Mistakes
Peace Lovey! Diving right into it. This week I want you to live past your mistakes. I mean it! Don’t get stuck there. I know that you know that so much life happens beyond mis-takes. So I’m just reminding you because I don’t want you to miss out. Anyway let’s get into this. Let’s break it down. What even is a mis-take? According to American Heritage dictionary a mistake is… Now that couldn’t sound more depressing. I mean according to that definition if I perceive that mistakes are real than first of all I’m dumb, uttlerly muffed up and downright selfish! I stand uder misses and my ability to conceptualize…
Healthy Habits That Changed My Life
Let's dive into some ways to maintain by looking at some healthy habits that changed my life.
The Art Of Being Happy
This is the art of being happy. It is a lifelong journey. The true art of being happy is a masterpiece of your own creation.
Discover Your Voice To Change Your Narrative
On the journey to discover your voice you may realize that in many ways it seems that we don't live in a very voice positive society.
Do Apologies In Any Way Serve You
Do they in any way change or dissolve the past offending act? If given upon request, do apologies solicit instant trust or forgiveness?