Those closest to you may be your downfall. I have observed how COVID-19 has in many ways brought out both the best and worst in people. For me, it has granted...
Remember This The Next Time You Complain About Life
Remember this the next time you complain about life. There is no time that life is the worst thing that could happen. Even filled with all of its ups and downs...
What To Do About Split Ends
i was gonna get rid of those things if it was the last thing i did. heck, this was war! so i broke out the shears and did a full head trim. i’m proud to say that i am now split end free! whew!!! but then being the scientist that i am i had to decode the situation. i thought… hmmph… split ends… what are those pesty things anyway? where the hell do they come from and why the hell was my head packed with them????
L-O-V-E And I Be
it’s all about love… l-o-v-e and i be… LOVE ya’ll!!! so i was just thinking about this deep thing called love. its funny that we’re are always trying to define this phenomenon. we’re always trying to describe it with words and whatnot. lol.
How We Value Trust As Sacred
we trust that our loved ones have our best interest at heart. we trust the clerk on the phone with our social security number. we trust that our lover has good intentions. we trust that we won’t come to work to a pink slip. we trust that our spouse will be faithful. when rock climbing we trust that the rope is secure and will not give. each day we put our trust in so many people and things and amazingly enough we do so with considerable ease. we’re pretty trusting beings. ever stopped to ponder why????
Relationships Are Our Children
as a mother i find that even outside of my children i am often playing a mother role. specifically in relationships. why??? because relationships are child-like entities that we co-create with our partners.