
How We Value Trust As Sacred

Dia duit (hello in Gaelic) Awesome Peeps!!! let’s discuss how we value trust as sacred. so we trust that our loved ones have our best interest at heart.  we trust the clerk on the phone with our social security number.  we trust that our lover has good intentions.  we trust that we won’t come to work to a pink slip.  we trust that our spouse will be faithful.  when rock climbing we trust that the rope is secure and will not give.  each day we put our trust in so many people and things and amazingly enough we do so with considerable ease.  we’re pretty trusting beings.  ever stopped to ponder why???? 

perhaps we are so trusting because we are secure in ourselves and somehow we translate that security into an ability to trust that we will make good decisions as to what people and situations we attach ourselves to.

but what happens when we don’t trust?  there are a significant amount of instances where trust is not so easy to come by.  perhaps in matters of distrust it really ties back to ourselves such that when we distrust someone or something its because we begin to second guess and doubt our own ability to make sound decisions.  

when we trust we open up our hearts and our spirits.  we become vulnerable to a degree and we essentially acknowledge the strength of our own character and integrity.  we generally do so on the basis of some past experience when trust was broken.  this often leads us to lose faith in our ability to assess the integrity of others or accurately determine the desirability of the outcome of a particular situation that we’re considering becoming attached to.   let’s face it, trust gives us solid footing in this world of uncertainties and when there is an absence of trust we lose self-confidence.

so how do we ultimately value trust as sacred????? we do so by valuing ourselves as sacred.  in approaching trust from this perspective we empower ourselves with the ability to honor our free will, to make more purposeful decisions and to strengthen our intuitiveness.   we are very intuitive beings and a lack of trust merely signals us that we are not honoring, tapped into or listening to spirit.  we’re not paying attention to the signs and signals that it is sending us regarding a certain matter.  spirit does not sleep and it does not take breaks.  spirit always has our best interest at hand and it is always on the job.  however, we are not always listening.  so the next time the issue of trust arises and spirit makes the call try answering to see what it has to say.  you can be certain that this will open you up to a whole new reality of groundedness, security, love and adoration for you!!

how do you think that we value trust as sacred? what does that look like to you? have you allowed people or situations to make you lose trust in yourself?

Sunflower Smooches!!!

Amirah (aka Blissfully Mindful)

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I am passionate about intentional living, self care and attracting prosperity. As such my content is keenly focused on delivering all the tools necessary to succeed in doing just that. Conscious Minimalist Living, Simple Vegan Lifestyle, Morning Meditation, and Affirmations all to manifest the life of your dreams. This blog is an infinitely healthy balance of inspiration and mindfulness. Welcome! I wish all of you beautiful, warm, blissful spirits an infinite abundance of good feelings, prosperous lives and blissful minds! Enjoy! Sunflower Smooches!! Blissfully Mindful

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