Ever think of how many things that you did as a child suddenly become socially unacceptable the moment you enter the realm of adulthood? Why is being childlike as an adult wrong?
Failure Is Nothing More Than Misplaced Aspiration
Failure is nothing more than misplaced aspiration. Rather than aspiring to be more today than you were yesterday, you blow off your divine time endlessly
Problems Are Energy That Needs To Be Released
Like everything problems are enery. Specifically, problems that arise in life are energy that needs to be released. Essentially, it's resistance. You can feel that resistance
Lose Control To Gain It
By letting go of the need to control others you empower yourself in ways unimaginable. You gain total control over every aspect of your life and you'll be all the better for it.
Surge Of Appreciation
This week was definitely one of appreciation. It was Mother’s Day so I guess things got kinda sentimental for me. As I thought about my life I was overcome with this surge of appreciation. I just appreciated my children, every aspect of my life that seemed to always fall so perfectly into place. I began to see how every single thing that has happened to me has happened in the exact manner that is was supposed to. It has all culminated into my evolution. In fact, I see so clearly how much I have evolved as a mother, as a daughter, as a woman and as a human. I see…
The Best Way To Make Sure You Never Miss
I have a full proof way of being confident at all times. I mean even at the height of uncertainty this method is the best way to make sure that you never miss the target.