
Trust In The Happiness Stock Exchange

Find out what it means to trust in the happiness stock exchange…

Namaste (hello in Gujarati) Peaceful Beings!!! so this is sort of a continuation of my last post….  i notice that so many people seek to find their happiness and fulfillment in so many external sources such as pets, cars, houses, jewelry (though i admit a few karats of gemstones will always bring a smile to my face! LOL), significant others, friends, family, jobs, awards, titles, status, spirituality, yoga, vegetarianism, 6-pack abs (oooohhh but i do like those myself LOL), and the list could truly go on forever. 

the thing is there seems to be this never-ending list of what makes us happy.  however, from a broader perspective i see all of this as a stock exchange.  so when one form of happiness doesn’t produce the profit that we want, no need to worry cause we’ve got a diversified portfolio LOL. 

for instance, if i find happiness in my new beau but then he does something to let me down, i respond by selling my shares of his ass.  but things are still hopeful because i’ve got my new little puppy and he’s just the cutest little thing.  i know he’s gonna yieldsome impressive happiness points!  but then his stock crashes because he runs away and devastation strikes again. 

so i’m right back at square one searching for the next hottest thing to invest in.  however, after repeating this several times i’m beginning to get dizzy.  i’m starting to feel like a bad song stuck on repeat.  in fact, i’m beginning to say to hell with it.  the happiness market sucks and i think i need to invest elsewhere!!!

but something within nudges me and lets me know that i am really just fooling myself.  i’ve got way too much riding on this happiness stock.  after all i didn’t come to the planet to only experience one let down after the other without ever experiencing the joys of life.  i came here to be a happy, joyful being despite the disappointments.  even more, i came to learn to overcome life’s disappointments and setbacks.  

so here i am on this quest to do just that.  but how do i do it?  i step out of the box and even break “the rules” and do some insider trading.  i begin to only invest in my own happiness so that despite what happens externally, i maintain my happiness.  the more stock i invest into rediscovering who i am, the higher my gains and the more fulfilling and happy my life is. 

so i don’t have to say to my beau, “baby, you make me so happy (all the while having thoughts to the contrary in the back of my mind).”  i can  instead say to him with confidence, “thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity to add to my growth and expansion.”  the latter takes the pressure off of him to meet my expectations of happiness and i avoid disappointment when he doesn’t.  it’s impossible for me to lose by investing in this way.

what about you?  do you trust in the happiness stock exchange? or do you find yourself constantly trading in one form of happiness for another?

Sunflower Smooches!!!

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I am passionate about intentional living, self care and attracting prosperity. As such my content is keenly focused on delivering all the tools necessary to succeed in doing just that. Conscious Minimalist Living, Simple Vegan Lifestyle, Morning Meditation, and Affirmations all to manifest the life of your dreams. This blog is an infinitely healthy balance of inspiration and mindfulness. Welcome! I wish all of you beautiful, warm, blissful spirits an infinite abundance of good feelings, prosperous lives and blissful minds! Enjoy! Sunflower Smooches!! Blissfully Mindful

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