So to ensure that I don't take on any poor eating habits I've been going out of my way to make sure that I am eating mindfully. That means the foods that fill my pantry and refrigerator must be foods that are nourishing.
Giving Yourself A Nutritional Boost With A Day Of Raw Vegan Foods
While being a full on raw vegan may not be for all of us, there's nothing wrong with giving yourself a nutritional boost with a day of raw vegan foods.
A Quiet-Filled Day
What better way to hear the voice of inspiration and spark some creativity than with a quiet-filled day. One self care practice that I recently implemented as part of my daily routine is a no-talking work zone.
Something Has Changed In Shea Moisture Hair Products
Recently, as I was about to re-up on some hair care supplies when I instantly came to a screeching halt. I stopped myself from placing the habitual...
Is This The End Of Meat
Is it true? Is this the end of meat? Have meat shortages and fear of coronavirus infection all driven the masses to abandon meat? Well, surprisingly this isn't too far fetched.
Cashless Restaurants Are The Future
restaurants are mostly using suggestive language, saying they “prefer” cashless payment, or even encouraging customers to order delivery in order to minimize contact.