I have come to know this as true, that every time you open your mouth you give away a bit of your power. Abraham Lincoln said it best when he said,
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
Do you ever notice how deflated you feel when you’re just yapping away and the person you’re conversing with isn’t saying anything, not one single word? Worse than that they seem uninterested. This yields such a crappy, deprecating feeling. Or what about when you’re talking so much that you start to disclose way more than intended. Meanwhile, the listener looks on in shock at your impromptu divulgence.
These scenarios totally encapsulate the essence of imbalance. Essentially, that feeling that you get when this happens is caused by an imbalanced energy exchange whereby you’re the only one giving. Meanwhile, the listener is just soaking it all in. Yet, if it were a balanced exchange it would consist of the giving and receiving on the part of both parties.
So when you catch yourself in an imbalanced exchange calmly and discreetly quiet yourself and reclaim your power. It’s a totally okay thing to do. There’s no such thing as it being too late. In fact, it actually happens the instant you silence yourself.
Simply consider that you are an infinite source of energetic vibrational frequency. While there are things that raise your vibrational frequency, there are also certain activities that lower it and one of them is an overabundance of speech. So like all things, in order to maintain balance, make it a habit to speak mindfully and only in moderation.
This serves many useful purposes. It inspires you to give more thought to what you want to say to ensure that it accurately communicates what the highest part of you wishes to convey. It increases the likelihood that what you say will be in alignment with that which serves your higher good. Best of all, it won’t have you looking like a fool out here in these streets!
So have you ever felt like every time you open your mouth you give away your power? Why or why not?