
Looking In A-Mirror To See Amirah

let’s chat about looking in a-mirror to see amirah…

just a moment ago as i have so many times done before, i looked at someone and saw my reflection. tho unlike other times, this time i decided to document it so the next time i have a memory lapse i’ll perhaps read this as a reminder.

do you notice how much of your day is spent looking out at the world? well, some time ago i made note of that and decided to shift the poles and turn that looking glass inward. i started to spend more of my time looking out at the world, but for the purpose of seeing my ‘self.’

what i discovered was that i am the world. i am this reality. i am all of the things, people, places and “ex”periences that i observe. now i know you’re probably like what the hell kind of riddles is she speaking in, but if you come with me you’ll get a better understanding.

so anyway, a moment ago i came to an even deeper understanding of this phenomenon thru what was not such a pleasant or good-feeling “ex”perience. i was chillaxing at the crib (lol) and it seems that nearly everyone in my household was just a walking grouch, with the exception of the dog who was doing his darndest to hold down the zen vibes.

now as the queen of feng shui, i’ve done everything in my house to ensure the healthiest flow of chi throughout my home short of consciously projecting onto the astral plane to move it by hand myself lol. i mean with all that i’ve done to create a picture perfect zen space everyone that walks through my door should absolutely and at all times exude love, peace and happiness!!! i said it, i mean it and that’s that dangit!!!! hmph they better recognize!!!

ok i’m getting a little worked up and need to calm down with some deep breaths…… anyway, i’d had it with everyone walking around here snapping at eachother and the next thing you know i started snapping at everyone demanding that they stop snapping.

now you’re probably assuming that my approach did NOT work and if so you are you’re absolutely correct lol. so right this moment i’m sitting on the couch and realizing that the source of all of this grouchiness is ME! i mean i can’t believe i actually had the nerve to point a finger. i’m probably one of the moodiest people walking this planet. seriously! my moods change faster than a politician’s truth and i had the audacity to point fingers.

so upon coming into this realization i have marched myself to the nearest mirror and turned that finger right around to myself. i’m now pondering this whole thing a bit deeper and noticing that everything that i’ve ever taken offense to, gotten hurt feelings about, snapped at someone else about originated right in the warm, cozy, protected space called ME.

now that i’m finally being honest with my”self” and assessing things with my heart rather than eyes, my emotions, and most importantly my ego i see an entirely different reality from the one i’ve been sleeping in. i have awaken to a world that is vibrant, alive and loving. insperiencing the world through my heart puts an entirely different spin on things.

i now love the grouch in these grouchy people grumbling around my house for showing me the grouch in me. heck i even love the grouch in me! life would be such a bore without polarity ?

so that’s my story about looking in a-mirror to see amirah….

sunflower smooches!

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I am passionate about intentional living, self care and attracting prosperity. As such my content is keenly focused on delivering all the tools necessary to succeed in doing just that. Conscious Minimalist Living, Simple Vegan Lifestyle, Morning Meditation, and Affirmations all to manifest the life of your dreams. This blog is an infinitely healthy balance of inspiration and mindfulness. Welcome! I wish all of you beautiful, warm, blissful spirits an infinite abundance of good feelings, prosperous lives and blissful minds! Enjoy! Sunflower Smooches!! Blissfully Mindful

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