• Recipes

    ROTW: Date Night Vegan Alfredo

    This date night vegan alfredo recipe from feastingathome.com is a fusion of flavors that literally awakens all of your taste buds and commands their allegiance. The dates unexpectedly seem to command the other flavors to do it's bidding. Combined with the cheesiness of the alfredo and the texture of the mushroom the dates really put this recipe over the top. This one is definitely a keeper.

  • Vegan Favs

    12 Soy-Free Plant Based Protein Sources

    Vegans are often charged and convicted without being given a fair trial for the crime of not getting enough soy-free plant based protein. Hence, in ignorance many vegans crack under the pressure and give false confessions as to the nutritional efficacy of their plant based diet. Then, in solitude they begin to doubt whether or not they are in fact getting enough protein while appropriately balancing their soy intake.

  • Self Care

    What Vegan Celebrities Eat

    More and more celebrities are adopting a vegan diet. Ever wonder if they actually eat the same things that other vegans eat? Sure, many of them have personal chefs. However, you may be surprised at what they eat when the chef isn't around.

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